Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have a paper due. In less than 12 hours I must have a paper delivered via email to my professor. I am doing everything in my power NOT to get it done.
Just do it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Ok. Is anyone else as bored as I am?
I am going to stand up and say it. I. Hate. The. Superbowl. I know. Heresy. Yes, Peyton Manning went to my Alma Mater. I don't care. The commercials are the best part. My perfect idea is that we can watch the commercials for about 35 minutes straight and then the game can go on uninterrupted. Win/win for everyone I think.
Also, as long as I am on a rant, what up with my fear of recognition on the silly little blog. I am the only one who reads it. Once every 6 months or so. I should just really let go and tell myself what I really think!!!!
Cheaper than my therapist.
What do you think?

I think that is a fabulous idea.

Ok, first thing first...how do I make this blog cuter...for me. This one is just ick.

Second...how do I motivate myself to do my classwork? eh, I think I will just work on making this cuter.

and then I provide myself with some therapy that involves no money.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Now what

Ok. So I just posted. Drivel. Crap. That no one really reads, so why don't I just write what I think and what I want to write? What is going on with my life? I don't know. I wish that I did. I think that I might take all identifying things off of this blog and become an anonymous commentator on the life of a stay-at-home mom who is in transition....kids in transition, marriage in transition, life in transition. Transition is good--moving from one stage to the next...but can it be bad?

New Year

No. Not THE new year....September always feels like the beginning of a new year. New class in school--EVERYONE is in school (except H, but I guess work is like school). New milestones...high school for 1, 2 is in Middle School, and 3 is no longer in a split classroom. The whole 4th grade in one room--poor teacher. What will the new year bring. I have ideas...don't know for sure, so I will keep them all to myself! One thing is for sure...life is different with older children than with younger. I like it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Half a year...

Ok. Six months later. So, what have I done in 6 months? Well...I went to Flight Attendant training, passed that, worked for not quite 6 months and quit because I just couldn't take the scheduling. Loved the flying. Not the erratic and uncertain schedule. Oh well. I can mark "Become a Flight Attendant" off my bucket list.
And, in those 6 months, my household has gone to hell in a handbasket! I am going to have to get organized. Yes, that is on my bucket list as well. 
Who knows if that will ever be crossed off the list!
(I really wouldn't count on it.)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Beginning of a Six-Pack

Not mine, of course.

Will is on my bed right now, showing me the beginning of his six-pack.  He's 8, remember, but he is working on his six-pack.  Since when do 8 year-old KNOW about six-packs...unless it's the diet dr. pepper in the basement frig (the beer is bought in greater volume than a mere 6-pack!) He's working on making the muscle "go higher and higher."  On my bed.  Because, that is the best place to exercise...at least that's what I tell myself when I roll over and go back to sleep!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Who knew that boys have just as much drama as girls.

Last night, back-to-school barbecue, 11-year-olds...one in tears, the frustration of not being able to say and do to another what he wants to do--namely, punch him in the face. My son telling me today that a teacher heard the insult, yet didn't do anything about it. Me stuck between a rock and a hard place b/c I didn't witness the transgression, yet had to deal with the aftermath. And so fuming mad that I had a hard time being polite to the mother of the transgressor...but, it wasn't my son in tears, so....should I have said something? Was it right not to? Especially knowing that the other parent is not on the same parenting page as I.....

Ugh. You think you just want to get them born healthy and everything will be fine....then you have to get them grown.